Learn More about the Trash Bag Cinch
Posted by Alex Olga on
Benefits of the Trash Bag Cinch
To understand how your business will benefit from the Trash Bag Cinch, it’s also important to understand more clearly what your maintenance and cleaning staff are doing now to avoid messy trash bag cave-ins, and to deal with trash liners in general. In fact, knowing how to tie a garbage bag closed is an important task to know. Continue reading this post to learn how to use a trash can cinch.

You can learn from large facility managers and professional contract cleaning providers (who are acutely aware of the time and costs associated with each maintenance task performed – even the time it takes to change each trash can liner). Clean-up after messy cave-ins demands additional labor costs for which they employ other time consuming preventive measures in attempt to avoid the cave-ins in the first place.To understand how your business will benefit from the Trash Bag Cinch, it’s also important to understand more clearly what your maintenance and cleaning staff are doing now to avoid messy trash bag cave-ins, and to deal with trash liners in general.
These methods are typically:
- Over-lining (using oversized liners that hang half way or more down the outside of the can.
- Tying knots (taking an additional 5-10 seconds on every liner change to tie a knot in the bag to narrow the opening to fit the rim of the can - which may not sound like much but it really adds up).
- Using rubber bands (stretching large rubber bands around the bag and rim to hold the bag more securely in place).
- Using the "exact right size" liner (theoretically with the right size liner you can stretch the bag over the rim so that it will stay in place).
Over-lining can unnecessarily raise overall liner expenses by 20-30% and is unsightly.
Tying knots is simply time consuming and needlessly increases labor costs.
Using rubber bands is also time consuming, they are cumbersome to use, and typically cannot be used in correctional or security related facilities.
Using the "exact right size" liner can actually be an act of futility to try to implement, and will unnecessarily drive up your costs. From a practical matter, when a liner’s opening is small enough that it needs to be stretched over the rim of the can, there is not enough material left over to "tie-off" the bag closed once full – unless you compress the bags contents with your hands to make more material available. However, doing so increases your exposure to injury by coming into contact with a sharp or hazardous material with-in the bag, and therefore it is not safe practice. Stocking all the "right sizes" obviously increases inventory requirements and associated costs.
The Trash Bag Cinch is simply the fastest and most cost effective way to secure a liner in place on the rim of a trash can. Take a moment and look at the numbers using our Savings Calculator. See an example with a facility that has 500 trash cans that are changed daily. We assume an average labor rate of $12 per hour including benefits, an initial investment cost of $1.99 per Cinch, and an average savings of 5 seconds per liner change over tying knots. You will see that the R.O.I. for the Cinches is just 3.98 months in this example, and that you would save per $2005 net in the first year ($3000 in the following years). Most hospitals see their R.O.I. in less than two months (because they change the liner often two or more times a day)! This does not include the savings by avoiding the cave-in clean up time, liner savings, or the soft benefit associated with improving the appearance of your facility.
The beauty of this product is in its simplicity. If you're not sure whether it will work for you, purchase a small amount (like the six or 25 count small business pack) to test. When testing start with the size trash receptacle most common in your facility - like an office can. Most Office cans are clean enough to just apply (press firmly) and try one out (watch the video demo first), but keep in mind that you should wait 24 hours for the Cinch to fully bond to the trash can. Using it before can weaken the bond, so make sure to wait to use after outfitting the rest of your trash cans. From there, you can start testing on larger cans. If you are testing on a large "brute type" can without any bonding time (again, it should be left overnight to fully bond), make sure to press firmly (the tape is pressure sensitive), give it a few seconds and then support the Cinch with one hand while you pull down the liner with the other.
If the can has a huge liner (with a lot of overhang) you may have more difficulty pulling all the excess through – but no worries this is another good reason for investing in Cinches - you will save money on liners, because with the cinch there is no reason to have that much of an oversized bag. You’ll quickly get a feel for how much extra you can effectively pull through with out too much effort.
Ideally you have just enough extra liner so that it can be "tied-off" when full and removed from the can.
Again, make sure to apply the Cinch right up under the rim of the can (but to make sure it’s clean and dry first and to let it sit over night for the best bond before using - it does have high initial tact, but does not fully bond for 24 hours).